Saturday, October 10, 2009

Change Yourself or Die!

Do you want your bright head to be visited by brilliant ideas? Already a lot of books read and surfed the entire Internet. But there is no trace of the arrival of new ideas. I will teach you a little secret, but first answer my question: What did you do the day before? Not many people can answer this question in a moment, for many of us one day is like another.

So what's the secret? Stop making every day the same things. Start the change with little things that do not require money. Practical Tips:

- Put the alarm clock every morning at different times

- Change the order of morning procedures

- Change your driving directions from home to work

- Alternate car with motorcycle

- Come to work at different times

- Alternate elevator with stairs

- Have lunch and dinner in different places and with different people

- Do the evening walk in different places

- Rest in different countries

- Change your clothes every day

stop me someone:)

We can continue for a long time. It is clear that all the above tips a bit hard to do. But it is worth trying. And in the near future, you will notice that you will have just ideas at first, and then brilliant ideas! Change yourself or die!

And to say good-bye in a good way, I tell you a wonderful story:

During the war the Germans in a concentration camp taunted prisoners and forced them to carry bricks from one pile to another. And then back again. Many could not withstand this monotonous work and ended up committing suicide. Once in the camp came an architect and he began to fold instead of a heap of bricks different shapes: pyramids, palaces, castles, etc. The Germans were shocked when the prisoners did not simply drove trucks, they fled. They wanted to see what new figure awaits them at this time. It is clear that none of the prisoners did not think of suicide again.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Psychiatrists on bank notes.

For many years there is a custom to put the image of national heroes on the bills, so there are images of four psychiatrists. Sigmund Freud (1856-1940), his image you may find on modern Austrian banknotes in denominations of 50 shillings. After studying medicine at the University of Vienna, he later worked in Paris under Charcot. Based on the numerous experiences recounted to Freud by his patients, he formulates the concept of sexual fantasies. In 1902, Freud and his friends organize a psychological circle, which meets weekly to discuss relevant scientific issues. In 1909, this group establishes the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, which becomes the International Psychoanalytical Association in 1912. In 1923, Freud published his work "Nhe Ego and Id".
Benjamin Rush (1745-1813), his picture appeared on the back side of the 2-dollar bills in 1976. He received the title of Bachelor of Arts in 15 years and became a doctor of medicine in 1768. He published several medical papers, and treatises against slavery. Between 1789 and 1796, he received three titles of professor of medicine. His last book, "Medical research and surveillance of diseases of the brain", published in 1812 was the first work in the field of psychiatry, established in the United States.
Auguste Henri Forel (1848-1931),image of this psychiatrist can be found on the modern Swiss banknotes in 1000 francs. He is the most famous and progressive Swiss psychiatrist of the 19th century. Forel was the first scientist who prepared a psychological picture of the human brain, and later gave a precise description of the hypothalamus, one of the divisions of which was named "campus Foreli". In 1879 he was promoted to Professor of Psychiatry, Medical Faculty, University of Zurich, and introduced the systematic teaching of forensic psychiatry. In 1888, Forel has made compulsory the teaching of psychiatry at the medical faculty.
Julius Wagner Jauregg (1857-1940). Face the Austrian psychiatrist, appeared on 500-shiling banknote of National Bank in 1953. He received his medical degree in 1890 at the Vienna University. Jauregg became a professor of psychiatry and neurology at the University of Graz in 1889, and four years later he moved to Vienna. In 1917, he proposed malaria therapy as a treatment for progressive paralysis to very unstable patients and by this saved thousands of lives. Wagner von Jauregg deservedly received the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1927.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

How do people become drug addicts?

One of the characteristics of nowadays and a significant cause of drug addiction and alcoholism - the widest expansion of various substances that can give a person a temporary pleasure. Some drugs can cause physical dependence (for example, opium, heroin, etc.), in which the body can not live without the drug, some psychological, but anyway, the termination of the use of these substances can cause withdrawal syndrome that is, the special psychological and physical condition of the body, sometimes leading to death. Use of certain drugs may lead to the development of tolerance, when the body becomes resistant to their effects, which require ever-increasing doses.

Reasons why people begin using drugs are different, but most often it is the desire to escape the doldrums, to leave the cruel and indifferent world, in its own artificially created paradise. It is not accidental that in most cases these are young people who see no other way out of their problems. One reason for initiation to alcohol and drugs is "bad family”, where education is provided either by only one parent, or where there are this atmosphere, down in the house: lack of emotional closeness and trust between family members. Mostly juveniles are beginning to use drugs from families in which children and teenagers are left for themselves.

Adults are so busy clarifying the relationship that they don’t have enough time for the child. However, this is not the only reason. There are drug-addicted families where one or both parents suffer from alcoholism or drug addiction. The probability of initiation to bad cravings for children from such families is increased by twice. Children of drug addicts is not only very early attached to the narcotic effect, but also begin their lives with drugs of the most severe forms of drug addiction - the use of household chemicals. But no less dangerous for initiation to alcohol and drugs other minor conditions in the family. Where child is watched over and supervised, monitored his every move, not giving the slightest opportunity to show independence. These children make even those actions which they understand "wrong", "no good", simply because they can not refuse.

Now, let’s speak about “normal” families, where parents just drink sometimes. In this case, child associate alcoholic drinks on the table with the atmosphere of celebration, fun in the house. Connection with that drinks seems attractive, as it helps to become more like a father and his friends - strong, brave, adult. This is the first their acquaintance with alcohol. Of course, not necessarily that it will inevitably lead to the formation of drug dependence. The problem of drug abuse in recent years is not just youth, but also teenage problem. Today, every second student aged 13 to 15 years at least once was proposed to taste drugs.

Approximately one third of them took advantage of this proposal. One of the factors for the early initiation to drug addiction - age psychological features of children and adolescents. The most disadvantaged in this respect are children and adolescents with unstable type of character, as well as striving to be the center of attention of others. For the sake of popularity they are ready to make even those actions that their soul does not approve. An introduction to drugs for them often has no independent significance, and is used in just for "their own glory." And teens can highly exaggerate their drug experience, portraying the experienced addict in order to attract attention.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Use your time effectively!

All of you had such situation. There is a clear period of time (for example, five days), and a precise list of tasks (for example, choosing a wallpaper for the room, or to find some movie on ebay, or learning 50 foreign words) that must be done during this period. Everything is clear, but the time goes on, and in the end of this period, we understand with displeasure, that not all list was done. What happened? Where goes the time?
Such situations are not uncommon in our personal life, at work, at rest, in any area of our activities. Much of this dissatisfaction is based on the fact that we squeeze into a modest amount of time a significant number of cases, make unrealistic plans. If you look at this situation more soberly, you can avoid disappointment at the unjustified loss of personal and others' time. For example, you have 6 hours on the development of a specific project. Arrange the stages of job depending on priority. Now imagine your typical working day and determine how much time you are using on start of the project. If, say, it is one third of the time, then the actual time that you can work on a task will be equal to four hours.
Also note that the time needed for a switch from starting phase to work equals in average eight minutes. How many times do you go out for a smoke break while working? For example, suppose you go out ten times throughout the day, that means 80 minutes. Subtract the 80 minutes from four hours and you get a little more than two hours of really working time. Compare this time with the initial six hours of working time. Now it is clear why you do not have time to perform the necessary volume of work in a period of time. Understand this fact and you will avoid disappointment and resentment because of the fact that you can’t do the work in the allotted time.
To increase efficiency, we need to reduce unproductive expenditure of time. What about breaks? Can I install a voice mail instead of continuous responses to the calls? If you need to call in several places, call turns in a short period of time, not delaying it for a whole day. What about email? Group similar tasks, if they do not require immediate solutions. Now once again do remember about available two hours and slowly go through the list of tasks requiring the execution in this period. Now, when you are already know how much time is available to you, you can rearrange things and during those 2 hours of work with the greatest productivity. Such a simple way to improve the efficiency of your work will help you safely plan your life, fulfill promises, and be a happy man.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Living in a hurry …

Big city ... People live in a hurry ... All people are running somewhere ... not noticing the beauty that surrounds them, which attracts so many foreigners ... The main task of these people - to be in time. All wicked, dreamy and indifferent ... Why is this happening? From the fact that this is a big city? Or from the fact that we are becoming part of this “machine”? Maybe it is better to stop?
Life is not a movie. You can’t press pause or rewind. You have to understand that the each of us has only one life! And we must live it so as not to regret anything! Of course, everyone may have run of bad luck, but if there was nothing sad, whom would we become? We must learn to be happy! We should rejoice at good fortune of others, do not hesitate to show our love for friends, forget about the hatred and remember the sympathy, not envy.
Perhaps it's naive. But if everyone wakes up in the morning, smiles to himself, and having come to work - sincerely smiles to colleagues - no one will be worse and it is not so hard!
I suppose it is worth of trying!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Men and stress. Stress Scale.

The health of men (women’s also) greatly affects the ability to cope with stress. In a stressful situation, the stress hormone epinephrine causes an increase of blood pressure, makes the heart beat faster. Prolonged stay in a stressful situation increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease stroke. The increased secretion of gastric juice leads to the formation of ulcers. And often there are problems with potency. Infection while being in stressful situation can lead to nasty diseases such as prostatitis, cold sores, which then is very difficult to cure.

Manifestations of stress
You must learn to recognize influences whether you have stress. The most common reactions include headaches, pain in the spine (neck, lower back), a lump in throat, unnatural laughter, tremor, rapid blinking, tics, spasms and may cause dizziness, weakness and lethargy, decreased sexual activity. In addition, the psychic system reacts and the person may appear distracted, uncertain constant anxiety, fear, irritability, depression, drowsiness. You can determine whether you are in a state of stress by own feelings, also you can use special psychological tests.

Stress Scale.
It is important to know stress’ degree of risk to take preventive and compensatory measures in time. Scale of stress on the degree of influence on the psyche and the body is as follows. If you have a situation that causes deep stress, or the more profound stress, then you should be especially attentive to your own health.

- Deepest stress –

Death of spouse
Divorce or break with your loved one
Own illness
Loss of job
Moving to a new residence
Participation in hostilities
Natural disaster with fatalities

- Deep stress –

Reunion with spouse
Serious breach of health of family members
Pregnancy (women of course)
Sexual problems
Change of job
Money problems
Being eye-witness of crimes involving violence

- Moderate stress –

Family quarrels
New responsibilities at work
Child enters school / graduation
Children leaving home
Friction with the relatives of spouse
Changing conditions of life
Conflicts with superiors

- Moderate stress –

Changing conditions of job
Changing school
Holidays / vacations
Changes in relationships with family
Minor violations of the law
Changing the social status

Preventing Stress

To prevent stress, follow a few rules:

- Relaxation and sleep. In the weekend you should rest (preferable outside the city). No worries.
- Healthy nutrition, natural vitamins. Use bee products, herbal teas (especially bee pollen and ambrosia).
- Regular physical exercise. Particularly helpful breathing exercises to manage the mental and energetic state of man.
- Move toward the solution of the problem, determine a plan of action and act. When it comes to relationships, then quietly try to resolve it with minimal loss to yourself.
- Determine your threshold for stress. Try not to cross it.
- Start a hobby, let it be dancing, mark, martial arts, writing poetry, painting. Unimportant what exactly - you should just distract yourself.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The best way to improve your self-esteem.

The level of self-esteem is extremely important for the quality of human life. It affects all aspects of life. Our emotions, desires, values largely depend on our self-esteem.
People with high self-esteem tend to be more positive, agreeable and efficient in actions than people with low self-esteem. This is a measure of how you are healthy, sturdy and flexible in front of inevitable obstacles of everyday life. Your self-esteem determines your level of inner satisfaction and peace of mind. In addition, this quality is closely linked to the health and energy level.
The way you love and respect yourself defines characteristics of your relationships with others. The more you feel good about yourself, the more you will like other people, and the more they will love you. In fact, when self-esteem in some way injured, the first in that it affects, it's relationships with people.
To achieve the best results in your activities and to love yourself, you have to adjust and maintain at a high level your own self-esteem.
Here are some simple techniques that enhance self-esteem:
· An inventory of your personal qualities. What would you like to improve or change? Maybe you’d like to improve self-discipline or improve relationships with people? Try to change it. But work simultaneously on only one thing. Periodically check your progress.

· Think of yourself as of amazing and special person. Do not worry about mistakes that you make, they are inevitable. Use mistakes to learn. Respect yourself and others will respect you.

· Understand exactly your aims! It must be very clear. The definition for a serious goals, and developing plans to achieve them, enhances your self-esteem. A person with clear life goals feels better and more confident. And each successful step to your goals leads to increasing of self-esteem.

· Be active and decisive in your actions. The best way to improve your self-esteem is strong activities towards the chosen target. Indecisiveness and passivity hold away people from achieving their goal, and lead to lower self-esteem.

· Treat other people as if they are great value for you.

· Analyze the way you speak. Negative statements lower your self-esteem. Try to use such expressions as "I can", "I will do it", etc. Such positive statements raise self-esteem.

· Do not disappoint, if you something doesn’t work out. Be persistent in your efforts and don’t give up!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Intuition is the best way to success.

Today, we have got an interesting topic. How much is already written and said about intuition. There were so many arguments and discussions and will be on this occasion. And every man perceives intuition in his own way. But today we will not consider the existence or lack of intuition in humans and will not go into the precise definition of this notion. The main purpose of today's article - to help learn how to use inner instinct or intuition to achieve all your goals in life.

So. How do you think most people behave today? Exactly. Logically. And it is absolutely correct. But there is one obstacle. Logically we can only speculate and make decisions only for the obvious things, the existence of which you know at present moment. That is, you can make a decision with the help of the mind only when you have all the necessary facts. Well, if you decide, for example, to resign and start to build your business or vice versa to abandon a very profitable business, you can not be guided only by the laws of logic. Your mind can’t know for sure whether you will create successful business or not. Or your mind can never assume why a profitable business that you abandoned, after some time has brought many problems to everybody.

That is, your intuition always knows much more of than mind, because it can look ahead into the future for an unlimited time and see all the possible scenarios. Intuition - a natural body of perception and interaction of the external world for every normal person. Like touch, smell, hearing, vision, etc. And whether we realize it or not, but we use this feeling every day at the time of making a decision – we listening to our inner feelings for a while.

When we are in a weakened condition, our intuitive transceiver operates at maximum power and without interference. That is, we are confident in ourselves and our own strength, we know that everything will be fine and it gives replenishment for intuition, and it will carry up to our mind the most truthful and accurate information.

When we act flexibly, easily changing our plans and direction of motion, it allows us to go with the flow in the most favorable direction. Not everyone can abandon his plan when it encounters an obstacle, which is a message from the future. In most cases, a person begins to try to break through the obstacle without thinking, showing to everyone who is the boss. Of course, nobody argues that man is master of his life, but along with we should be able to see and hear the world around us, and not always go just straight.

And finally, we need to trust life and all its processes. If you trust, you always win, as compared with those who do not trust and doubt. The universe always and everywhere plentiful and good for all of us. And not trusting and going away from it, we create our own problems, which then we come through with some kind of pleasure and effort.

Using of the services of your intuition is very simple. If you are confident in your positive attitude and believe in yourself and your own strength, then to make the right decisions you should just relax and listen to yourself: do you want to do it or not. If you want - forward, your soul always acts in a pair with intuition. If you feel mistrust or doubt about the decision, bravely decline it!

Power of perseverance.

One of the most important qualities that needs to be developed in the process of achieving your own objectives is perseverance.
You have to be persistent in your actions; persistent in front of difficulties and challenges, and determined to achieve your goals, regardless of whether they are large or small.
Often there is a situation when you want to surrender and give up your project, to do something different, more simple for you. But what really guarantees your success is a willingness to overcome difficulties and go to the end, to refuse reconciliation with anything less than your dream.
The more you persevere, the more chances you will come to your aim. Regardless of how difficult it may seem, the longer you do not give up, the more likely that you will succeed.
Difficulties and disappointments are inevitable, regardless of how well you plan and how well you execute your plan. For sure, you will meet some disappointments, troubles and failures on the way to your ultimate triumph.
Sometimes you'll be faced with the contradictions, seemingly insurmountable. Sometimes the universe will check your intransigence towards the goal you are pursuing.
The way forward can be difficult. Progress on this path requires that you abandon the idea of surrender, while learning new lessons, develop your capabilities, and make difficult decisions.
The difficulties on your way - is what gives you the opportunity to develop your character and courage, to develop perseverance. Emerging problems - a good teacher. They test you and make stronger. But you have to fight and not give up!
More than 4000 years ago, the Chinese sage Confucius wrote: "Our greatest virtue is not the ability to avoid failures, but the ability to rise every time we fall."
How to overcome obstacles.
Whenever you confront a problem or come across an obstacle, you have to stop and take a brainstorm in three possible ways of overcoming obstacles: ignore it, get over it or through it. For each obstacle, think out three different approaches to overcome it. There are many ways to solve the problem, but you will find them only if you spend some time thinking.
Always be focused on the search for solutions in the process of thinking. Be persistent until you find a solution that works.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How to guess a person's character by gestures?

Today, that great knowledge, which gives us the psychology helps us very much in our everyday life. Everyone is faced with the rapid pace of life: meeting new people, keeping in touch with friends and acquaintances. In other words, we have to communicate a lot. And just for the fact that such contact would bring as much benefit, psychology presents us with various psychological techniques that can be safely used in communication. This discipline helps us to interact with people more effectively. So, this is also the aim of some techniques of NLP and body language. Since then, as psychologists are interested in sign language, many amazing things were revealed. We all understand how a big role in our lives play gestures. Especially - in business communication when necessary to conclude a contract or to persuade a partner – we use every available methods: looking for every detail, bearing in mind all facial expressions. Body language meanings is based on data, which psychologists have been analyzing of nonverbal communication of different people in different situations. Based on this analysis scholars have a better understanding of body language - which means any posture in general and position of arms, legs, various elements of mimicry.
The man who has studied body language can in 5 min. understand the most basic human emotions of a stranger, find out how he feels, whether it is convenient to him, and even learn some of the features of his character. In contrast to our speech, which is conscious, body language, facial expressions, gestures occur completely unconsciously, and of course practically uncontrolled. When people speak, they can easily lie, but the facial expressions or gestures always show the truth. So, for example, if the man during the conversation touches the eyes and eyebrows, touches the nose or touches his ear, the subconscious mind shows that this man is lying or in some doubt. By the way, have you ever thought about how communication takes place in countries where the language of the local people is unknown to you? Yes, it is through facial expressions and gestures! Even in this example it becomes apparent that it is very important to everybody to be in a good control of own body and pass through gestures and facial expressions exactly the information that is needed in particular situation.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Curing by Fairy Tales.

What is a fairy tale? Fictional legends and stories about magical kingdoms, adventures and mysteries? In some way, yes. But in fact, tales can do much more to us, their potential is enormous: you may make curious your child, to make him sleep at night, to calm down him and much more. Fairy tales were the object of knowledge of philosophers and poets.
But recently, the tales took a special role in psychologists’ research. There is a new psychological technique – fairy tale therapy, the basis of which is to work with fairy tales . As every other psychotherapy, fairy tale therapy helps first to know yourself. Also, thanks to this therapy, the child may stop thinking about the current problems and look at what is happening from the outside, and in that way, help himself. The focus is on plot structure psychological processes, or as they say – on stories which happen to the soul - is the basis of psychotherapy. All these stories are very typical. In other words, they are suitable for all human beings without exception. This therapy comes from the fact that the unconscious manifests itself in certain schemes, which are transmitted from mother to child in the form of fairy tales and the number of schemes rather limited and knowable. Through the tales, it is best to explore archetypes. The fact is that most of the tales of any nation are very similar. Fairy tale therapy - a particular form of depth psychotherapy, but at the same time, it is quite possible to apply for the "current" and "easy" tasks. Influencing at children with fairy tales, that is fairy tale therapy, considered the most ancient psychological method, which includes psychology.
All knowledge, all information that had our ancestors about the world around them - all of it is described in fairy tales and legends. Only in this way experience passed over from father to son. Nowadays, archetypes and information from these legends as a separate branch of psychology - which is based on fairy tales. Some people believe that fairy tales therapy applies only to work with children. Yes, this is so. But the age range covered by fairy tales therapy not limited to - talk, listen and think of fairy tales can not only children but adults and even old people. Fairy tales therapy associated with "child" method because it is addressed to the pure and responsive child in all of us.